Failing That: A Minor Tragedy

This is a solo opera that I am currently composing.  Ya. A solo opera.

This is very much a work in progress, but I’ve started recording demos for grants and workshop presentations. I’ll share them here in hopes that the compositional ideas will show through the rough production values.

WARNING: Midi demo tracks ahead. NOT real instruments! You have been warned.

[audio:|titles=Failing That – Intro (demo)]

Intro – This is the beginning of the opera, we are introduced to Ed as he starts a seminar on self defense.
[audio:|titles=Einstein Aria]

Einstein Aria – Steven Scafidi tries to invoke (i.e. hallucinate) the spirit of Einstein to help him with the mechanical engineering exam he is in the midst of failing.

Analysis Aria – Steven Scafidi tries to explain the concepts behind failure analysis.

How Many Times – Steven Scafidi, laments his inability to express his feelings.

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