More #Operaplotting
Instead of working on my own opera I seem to be spending the night trying to summarize other operas in under 130 characters. Hmmm… Maybe in a few years people will be trying to summarize Failing That in under 130 characters. Assuming I’m finished in a few years.
Here’s the latest batch:
La Boheme
“OMG, so, it’s like a remake of ‘Rent’, only they used, like, CLASSICAL music. What a cool idea, right?” Cue facepalm. #operaplot (via GenY)Turn of the Screw
Mix one part Mary Poppins and one part Sixth Sense. Turn until screwed. #operaplotThe Ring Cycle
How do you summarize an opera with over 130 characters in under 130 characters? Damn you Wagner. #operaplotDas Rheingold
Something about three girls in a river and a dwarf stealing their gold. Ummm… never made it past the first scene. #operaplotOK. That’s enough. I need to try to get some “real” work done.