A new unit of time: The Wagner
After a full evening of writing music, I am proposing a new unit of time. The Wagner (abbreviation Wg). One Wagner is equal to one thousand minutes, approximately the length of the entire Ring Cycle. Here are some useful conversions:
1 day = 1.4 Wagners
1 year = 511.35 Wagners
1 minute = 1 milliWagner (1 mWg)
This unit will be particularly useful for superficially evaluating the works of other composers:
The entire works of Anton Webern can be contained on about 6 compact discs with a total running time of 36 centiWagners.
Or making us composers feel crappy about our own productivity:
After sitting at the piano for the entire evening, I realized that I was only able to compose about .5 milliWagners of usable music. Furthermore, my maximum rate of composition rarely breaks the 1 mWg/h mark.
Anyone know anyone over at ISO?